Date de publication: 2020
Objective: Many patients with Essure1 devices request the removal of these implants due to persistent adverse effects. The pathophysiology remains unknown, but a corrosion of the implants in the in-vivo environment leading to metal ion release may be suspected. The implants consist of polyester fibers, nickel-titanium alloy and other metals including chromium. The purpose of this study is to deliver the first results on the concentrations of nickel and chromium (two potential toxic metal elements) in peritoneal fluid and in the fallopian tube tissue during laparoscopic removal of Essure1. Study design: In this prospective observational study conducted in a French academic research hospital (University hospital of Lyon), nickel and chromium concentrations were determined in the fallopian tube tissue and peritoneal liquid from symptomatic patients with Essure1 by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) analysis in a PerkinElmer NexION 350. Results: Significant metal element concentrations were showed in the peritoneal fluid. There was also a differential concentration in the fallopian tube tissue with higher concentration close to the implant then lower at a distance from this implant. There was a correlation between the concentrations of the two metals. Conclusion: The presence of nickel and chromium in the fallopian tube tissue and the peritoneal fluid raises the question of a possible relationship between the symptoms attributed to Essure1 implants and the dissemination of potential toxic metals due to galvanic corrosion of the devices.
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology