Nos spécialités
• environmental chemistry
• water chemistry
• food analysis
The main objectives of the Environmental Chemistry Research Group (ECRG) are the chemical characterization of aquatic environment (water body, sediment, phyto- and zooplankton, phyto-and zoobenthos, macrophyton, macro invertebrates, fish) focusing on the identification and quantification of inorganic and organic compounds. We are monitoring the water quality in rivers and streams complying with the requirement of the EU Water Framework Directives and database building to follow the changes of physical, chemical and biological parameters of Duna and Tisza rivers. Our team is studying the biofilm formation in aquatic environment with special attention to the characterization of adsorbed inorganic and organic components. We aim to understand the effect of climate change on the nutrient turnover and infochemicals harmonizing with the analyses of biological parameters. Our group is also motivated to investigate the effect of trace element-enriched or even highly contaminated irrigation waters on the plant cultivation through the soil-plant, plant-human nutrient connections.
Notre équipe
Prof. Dr. Gyula Záray, DSc. (
Péter Dobosy, Ph.D. (
Erzséber Décsi-Gombos, Ph.D. (
Ádám Illés Ph.D. (
Katalin Nagy-Bodolai (

Notre équipement
• Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS)
• Microwave assisted digestion system (MW)
• Total organic carbon and nitrogen analyzer (TOC/TN)
• Dual Channel Ioncromatography (IC)
• Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS)
• High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
• UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
• Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analyzer
• Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
• Microtome
• Laminar box
Publications et thèses
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Nos revues
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